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Pendulum Tuning Video


Here is a short video I made introducing you to the wonderful world of the Pendulum!

I'm adding the written information here as well.

I like to hold mine in my receptive hand(the one I don’t write with),

Take 3 deep breaths in and out.

Then I ask the Divine to guide the pendulum to answer my questions.

Obviously yes and no questions,

When you are learning.

Hold the bead end(the tiny end) in your dominant hand,

Allow the heavy end to swing gently until it stops.

If it doesn’t stop,

you can stop it with your other hand.

You want it as still as you can make it

So the rest of the tuning process is easier to see.

Ask the Pendulum to show you the “Yes” motion.

Then show the “No” motion.

Now you can test it by asking it if your name is your name:

i.e. “Is my name Bob?” When your name is really Suzie.

It should give the “no” motion.

Then ask if your real name is right,

It should give the “yes” motion.

I like to tune mine to the yes/no motion pattern,

For a week, so I can learn how it answers questions.

That way it can also tap into your energy and the Divine guidance easier.

To Your Energetic Health


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